Clinical Talk Schedule 2024-2025

09/06/2024Kick off and Program UpdatesConnect Virtually
09/20/2024Understanding Addiction from a Behavioral and Neuroeconomic Perspective - Michael Amlung, PhD (KU) will be guest speaker.Connect Virtually
10/04/2024Current and Professional Issues in Sports Neuropsychology - Adam Parks, PhD (KUMC) will be guest speaker.Connect Virtually
10/18/2024First Year Research PresentationsConnect Virtually
11/01/2024First Year Research PresentationsConnect Virtually
11/15/2024CuidaTEXT: A Caregiver support intervention for Latino caregivers of people with dementia - Jaime Perales Puchalt, Phd (KUMC) will be guest speaker.

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12/06/2024Professional Development - This will be a joint session with KU's BBQ Program.

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12/13/2024Stop Day - Activities TBD 

Joining a talk

Attendance to Talks will be available both in person in Fraser Room 547, and online via Zoom from 1:00-1:50pm CST on the date listed, unless otherwise mentioned. Please see each meeting for the Zoom link and passcode.