Social Talk Schedule 2024-2025
Social Prosem
This Friday, March 14, at 4:00 pm KU's Social Psychology program will meet in Fraser 547 and via Zoom to welcome our speaker Dr. Shir Atzil, who will be visiting us from Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her talk is titled "The Metabolic Roots of Human Bonding."
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 844 2997 6981
Passcode: 345327
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 844 2997 6981
Passcode: 345327

Joining a Talk
Attendance to Talks will be available both in person in Fraser Room 547, and online via Zoom from 12:00-12:50pm CST on the date listed, unless otherwise mentioned. Please see each meeting for the Zoom link and passcode.