Congratulations, Jayhawks!


Congratulations on your accomplishments!

Graduation season will be here before we know. We are excited to be able to share with you our plans for the 2025 University of Kansas Department of Psychology Graduation Recognition Ceremony:

When: Friday, May 16, 2025 4:00PM
Where: Crafton-Preyer Theater in Murphy Hall

*Regalia (cap & gown) is required to participate in the recognition ceremony.*

2025 Recognition Ceremony Information - To Do

Students: You must RSVP through Evite no later than Friday May 2, 2025 if you will attend and participate in the Recognition Ceremony.

Each student can have 4 (FOUR) tickets for guests. 

Guest ticket pickup begins Monday, April 28, 2025 at 8:30 AM and ends Friday, May 9, 2025 at 3:30 PM (Stop Day). Please pick your guest tickets up from the KU Psychology Department main office: 426 Fraser Hall, Lawrence, KS

Student check-in begins at 3:15 PM on Friday, May 16, 2025 in Murphy Hall lobby. The Recognition Ceremony begins promptly at 4:00 PM

**GRADUATION REGALIA IS REQUIRED** This includes both cap and gown.

A professional photography company will be taking photographs at the Recognition Ceremony. We will provide information to you at the ceremony on how to contact the company regarding your photos. The photography company will also contact you after the ceremony with proofs. You are under no obligation to make a purchase.

FREE  parking is available in the Allen Fieldhouse Parking Garage to the southwest of Murphy Hall and in the lot directly across from Murphy Hall. Please see the MAP for more information.