Daniel Bernstein

- Professor Emeritus
- Cognitive Psychology
Contact Info
Education —
Awards & Honors —
Fred Keller Award for Contributions to Education
J.M. Young Academic Adviser Award
University of Kansas
Charter Member of UN-L Academy of Distinguished Teachers
1995 - 2002
Outstanding Teaching and Instructional Creativity Award
University of Nebraska system
Scholarly Teacher Award
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Pew Scholar
Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
1998 - 1999
Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
1997 - 1999
Fulbright Fellowship
Teaching Award
University Foundation Trustees
Award for Service to Persons with Mental Retardation
Association of Community Professionals
Bereuter Distinguished Teaching Award
Maude Hammond Fling Research Fellowship
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Strategic improvement of undergraduate education at the University of Kansas. Spencer and Teagle Foundations. $80000.00. (1/1/2008 - 12/31/2011). Foundation. Status: Funded
University of Kansas Initiative on Ethics Education in Science and Engineering. National Science Foundation. $300000.00. (1/1/2006 - 12/31/2009). Federal. Status: Funded
Peer review of general liberal education. Hewlitt Foundation. $119000.00. (1/1/1999 - 12/31/2001). Foundation. Status: Funded. (Co-project Director)
Cross-cultural study of children's flexibility in learning. $1500.00. (12/31/1992). Federal. Status: Funded. (Plus expenses)
Research on marijuana and the amotivational syndrome. National Institute of Drug Abuse. $250000.00. (1/1/1983 - 12/31/1986). Federal. Status: Funded
Research Grant—Subject expenses and hourly research help. National Institute of Mental Health. $5759.00. (1/1/1977 - 12/31/1978). Federal. Status: Funded
Undergraduate Research Participation—Stipend for fellows and expenses. National Science Foundation. $2100.00. (1/1/1976 - 12/31/1978). Federal. Status: Funded