Matthew Gratton


Contact Info


B.A. in Psychology, University of Kansas, 2022
M.A. in Clinical Psychology, University of Kansas, 2024


Advisor: Nancy Hamilton, PhD

Research Lab: Hamilton Health Lab

My research interests are focused on understanding the role of arousability and awareness during sleep, particularly focused on behavioral sleep disorders and obstructive sleep apnea.

Selected Publications

Gratton, M. K. P., Hamilton, N. A., Gerardy, B., Younes, M., & Mazzotti, D. R. (2024). Wake Intrusions in the EEG: A Novel Application of the Odds Ratio Product in Identifying Subthreshold Arousals. Sleep, zsae039.

Gratton, M. K. P., Charest, J., Bender, A. M., Werthner, P., Lawson, D., Pedlar, C. R., Kipps, C., Bastien, C. H., Samuels, C. H., Cook, J. D., (2024). Influence of Circadian Preference, Sleep Inertia and their Interaction on Marathon Completion Time: A Retrospective, Cross-Sectional Investigation of a Large Mass-Participation City Marathon. Journal of Sleep Research.

Gratton, M.K.P., Hamilton, N.A., Mazzotti, D.R. (2024). Trait-based Anxiety Symptoms are Associated with Higher Incidence of Nightmare Frequency in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort. Journal of Behavioral Sleep Medicine. 10.1080/15402002.2024.2386608

Awards & Honors

Spring 2024 Psychological Clinical Science Research Award, The University of Kansas.  Award developed to reward students from Clinical Psychology that achieve a first author publication.

Summer 2023 Sleep Research Society Trainee Merit Award.  Primary investigator, under supervision of Diego R. Mazzotti, PhD, award used to fund travel and lodging for presenting author at Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS). Developed, revised, and submitted the application. Grant for $100 was awarded Spring 2023.


University of Kansas, Psychology Department Diversity Committee