Rick Ingram, Ph.D.

- Professor
Contact Info
Education —
Research —
My research program focuses mainly on examining the cognitive causes, correlates, and origins of depression. Understanding anxiety-linked processes has also been the aim of some of my research. The current focus of much of my research program is on understanding the cognitive features of high-risk individuals. This research primarily examines the cognitive mechanisms of risk in adults, but also assesses processes linked to the possible developmental origins of cognitive risk. Specific projects have assessed information processing under conditions thought to elicit vulnerability, and have also examined the early experiences of vulnerable individuals that might predispose them to risk for later depression.
Research Interests
- Depression
- Depression Risk
Teaching —
- Abnormal Psychology, Psychopathology
- Clinical Psychology
- Psychotherapy
Selected Publications —
McGuire, A., Gillath, O., Jackson, Y., & Ingram, R. (2018). Attachment security priming as a potential intervention for depressive symptoms. [Journal Articles]. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology. Published.
Bistricky, S., Ingram, R., Siegle, G., & Short, M. (2015). Parental Depression Risk and Reduced Physiological Responses During a Valence Identification Task [Journal Articles]. Cognition Therapy and Research, 28, 470–492.
Williams, C., Harfmann, E., Ingram, R., Hagan, K., & Kramer, N. (2015). Specificity of Parental Bonding and Rumination in Depressive and Anxious Emotional Distress [Journal Articles]. Personality and Individual Differences, 79, 157–161.
Gaddy, M., & Ingram, R. (2014). A meta-analytic review of mood-congruent implicit memory in depressed mood. [Journal Articles]. Clinical Psychology Review, 34, 402–416.
Bistricky, S. L., Atchley, R. A., Ingram, R. E., & O’Hare, A. (2014). Biased processing of sad faces: An ERP marker candidate for depression susceptibility. [Journal Articles]. Cognition and Emotion, 28(3), 470–492.
Bistricky, S. L., Ingram, R. E., & Atchley , R. A. (2011). Facial affect processing and depression: Cognitive biases and cognitive neuroscience [Journal Articles]. Psychological Bulletin, 137, 998–1028.
Ingram, R. E., Atchley , R., & Segal , Z. V. (2011). Vulnerability to Depression: From Cognitive Neuroscience to Clinical Strategies [Books]. Guilford.