Sol Isela Corral

- Graduate Student
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Education —
Research —
Advisor: Monica Biernat, PhD
Research Lab: Stereotyping and Social Judgment Lab
I am a second year Ph.D. student in the Social Psychology program at KU. My research interests focuses on social cognition, stereotyping, group dynamics, and environmentalism. As an undergraduate, I researched alcoholism, acculturative stress, and future-thinking constructs (i.e., hope and prostalgia). Currently, I am studying the stereotypes and prototypes of environmentalists and environmental activists.
Selected Publications —
Vera-Adrianzen, X. F., Corral, S. I., Sanchez-Garciaguirre, A. I., & Field, C. A. (2024). Acculturative stress, collectivistic coping, and drinking in a predominantly Latino college sample. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication.