Trevor S. Lies

- Graduate Student
Contact Info
Personal Links
Biography —
Education —
Research —
Advisor: Glenn Adams, PhD
Research Lab: Cultural Psychology Research Group (CPRG)
Trevor's research explores how modern forms of environmental engagement and ideas about land, nature, and injustice have their roots in—and can reproduce ways of being associated with—colonialism, capitalism, and racism. He approaches this work from a perspective of cultural psychology informed by decolonial theory. His dissertation research investigates the psychology of support for modern development in the context of the Wakarusa Wetlands in Lawrence, Kansas.
Selected Publications —
Lies, T. S., Adams, G., & Santangelo, B. (2022). Decolonial Considerations of Environmentalism: Observations from a (US) State Park. Psychology in Society. 64, 21-43.
Lies, T. S., Omar, S. M., Roennengart, A., Adams, G., & Santangelo, B. (2024). Attributing Extreme Weather to Climate Change: State Park Employees as Institutional Actors. Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, 1-23.
Awards & Honors —
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Student Travel Award, 2021
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Libraries Open Educational Resources Grant, KU, 2021
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies Tinker Field Research Grant, KU, 2021
Center for Undergraduate Research, Research-Intensive Course Mini-Grant, KU, 2020
Memberships —
Society for Environmental, Population and Conservation Psychology
Society for Personality and Social Psychology
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
The Resilient Activist