Sarah Kirk, Ph.D.

- Director of KU Psychological Clinic
- Associate Director Clinical Psychology Program
Contact Info
1415 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Dr. Kirk is a clinical faculty member and administrator. She directs all practicum activity, supervises, and facilitates clinical training opportunities. She also teaches graduate courses and provides professional development mentorship to students.
Office Hours - By Appt
Clinical Interests
Dr. Kirk has a specialization in health psychology within clinical psychology, often having worked with persons of all age ranges with chronic health conditions, pain, and somatization conditions. She has a background in pediatric psychology and enjoys working with children who have health concerns that intersect with psychological symptoms.
Dr. Kirk has a strong background working with persons of all ages with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and has worked a great deal with anxiety disorders and especially obsessive compulsive disorders and specific phobias using exposure and response prevention approaches. She conducts assessments of all types and especially enjoys cognitive, ADHD, and Learning Disability assessments.
Education —
Research —
As director of the KU Psychological Clinic I am most interested in promoting clinical training in our graduate program. Specifically, I am focused on increasing our students' assessment experiences, broadening their practicum experiences, and improving their use of technology as applied to clinical interventions. Additionally, I would like to evaluate evidence based treatments in our clinic.
Quality improvement and assurance is a principal goal for me, as well as developing measurements to promote the highest quality of care for our clients and training.
My research interests are in evaluating the graduate training process via outcome and competency based assessment. I am also interested in clinical outcomes, specifically functional outcomes for clients served in our clinic. I am involved in anti-racism and diversity, equity, and inclusion goals and objectives and evaluating the current use of assessment tools and various psychological approaches (how approaches currently used can be altered or abandoned given their racist and sexist roots).
Teaching —
I teach Supervision and Consultation courses (theory, research and field practicum). I am also an active supervisor for practicum students in internal and external practicum and field practicum in supervision.